Sponsored links: what they are, when to use them and their advantages

It’s been more than a decade since Google has made any changes to links and their concepts. But every time new rules come to light, we cringe. In this case, new attributes such as sponsored links have arrived.
Without forgetting the one that also comes hand in hand with the previous one and with the name of UGC. Today we will really see what it is and how it can affect us. As we all know, links are one of the main bases in terms of Google positioning.
What are the sponsored links?
It was in September 2019 when the new changes were announced via Google. In this case, we start already with the main course and it is the sponsored links that attract our attention the most.
<a href="https://linkatomic.com" rel="sponsored">Linkatomic</a>
We call sponsored links to all those that arrive after having made a payment. That is, they are purchased or negotiated links. So now they will have to be marked as such.

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When should I use sponsored links?
Now, whenever you opt for a link that is paid, you must mark it. How? Well, Google advises you to do it this way, with rel sponsored . Although the Nofollow option is also valid.
But knowing the new rules, it is best to stick with the first one. Remember also that if you don’t mark a paid link with either of these two options, you can expect a penalty.
You should use them when you have linked to a website and it is the one that has paid you as it happens in reviews or purchased links for different blogs or sponsors. Therefore, if you are not going to use this new attribute, it is important that your links look as natural as possible.
New attributes for links
Within the types of links, we find new attributes. Nofollow, sponsored and UGC are the main ones. We have already seen how sponsored links are known as sponsored attributes. What about UGC links?
Attribute UGC
This is the name given to user-generated content. To get an idea, it can be generated in the comments of a forum, for example. Using the attribute in such blog or forum comments is a way of explaining that you have generated new content.
Nofollow attribute
It was around 2005 that people started talking about this type of attribute. It was a way to get rid of all those links in the form of spam. As of March 1, 2020, links will be able to transfer authority, although not in all cases.
This is why it has evolved to the aforementioned (UGC and Sponsored). Despite all this, it is true that the nofollow link is still valid at all times.
Is it an advantage to tag links as sponsored?
The truth is that this is a new rule and we must take it into account. So far we are clear. But if we go one step further, we must always look at it from the most positive point of view. Since in Google’s eyes, you would be taking it on the right path.
A way to admit a sale or a purchase. But although there are people who think otherwise, Google does not prohibit these practices mentioned.
Buy backlinks has no danger whatsoever in these terms. The prohibition is in creating links and passing them off as natural. Something that happens with the so-called dofollow links.
How can all this affect my website?
It is true that doubts always assail us when new standards are introduced. But for the moment there is no need to put us in the worst. If you already have links with the nofollow tag, you don’t have to worry. It is not necessary to adapt all the labeling to the new rules mentioned above.
Google will now take link attributes into account. That is why it is so necessary to explain each one of them. From now on, we will have to focus on all the theory we have discussed.
Since all link ‘rel’ attributes will go to the ranking algorithm. From now on, in March, links will be followed and indexed. So roughly speaking we can say that all these, which were mere guidelines, have become suggestions.
It will take them into account, although not all of them with a great value. For example, the nofollow will be able to transmit ranking, but in some cases and not much.
While the sponsored links will be decided by Google, but perhaps they will have a little more authority than nofollow links. Of course, the ones that will have the least authority are the UGC, so now you know a little more about all of them!
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