SEO for Pharmacy: All the tricks for your positioning

In this article we will see what is SEO for pharmacies and the actions you should perform on your website to increase your visibility in search engines.
If you have a pharmacy and you want to stand out from other businesses, you should know that the SERP (search results) are a competition, so you will have to perform certain actions on your website if you want to reach the top positions.
Don’t miss this article and discover how you can increase your business sales.
Pharmacies also do SEO
SEO is the set of actions you can work on your online pharmacy and parapharmacy page to optimize it and make it more Google friendly.
A well-optimized website will give you preferential treatment by the search engine and allow users to find your business more easily, attract more visitors, and increase your pharmacy’s sales.
For example, if your business is located in New York and you search in Google “Pharmacies in New York“, you will see a series of results in Google Maps, locating nearby businesses, with the best score and then several web pages will be displayed.
This is where your business should appear, on the first page, to be considered to have a good SEO positioning.
If after doing this search and advancing a couple of pages, your website is nowhere to be found, it is clear that you have possible SEO improvements to make in your pharmacy to get found.
Usefulness of SEO for pharmacies
Just as placing your business on a busy street or having a well-lit storefront attracts customers, making it easy for potential customers to find your pharmacy online will increase sales.
Different actions can be taken to improve the SEO of local pharmacies and online parapharmacies. From basic tasks such as registering in Google My Business. You can even optimize all the details of the SEO on page, in addition to working all the SEO off page of your website.
How to position an online pharmacy?
Now that we are clear about the benefits of positioning a pharmacy in Google, let’s discuss what actions we can take to achieve it.
- Create your pharmacy’s profile on Google My Business: Customers will be able to leave ratings and reviews about your establishment. And when a new user searches for a nearby pharmacy in their area, yours may appear.
- Take care of the loading speed of the web page: It is one of the most important SEO positioning factors nowadays, and it will be determinant for your website to appear in the first Google results.
- Use a mobile-friendly design: Most users perform their searches from mobile devices, and not having a responsive web design that adjusts to each phone will make you lose points for SEO. Especially if you sell online parapharmacy products.
- Perform keyword research to find out which keywords to target: You will need to know the search volume of the keywords that deal with your business and the parapharmacy products you sell online, in order to integrate them correctly within the contents of your website.
- Include the locality among the keywords to use: To work on local SEO for a pharmacy, you will have to use the name of the province or locality of your business within the contents and headlines of your website. If you do not sell products from an online parapharmacy, you will want to be found by users in your area.
- Create a blog to publish useful content about health: Websites that are updated frequently have more options to rank in Google, in addition, with each article you will attack different keywords for which your potential customers can find you.
- Work on the link building of your website: If your pharmacy is mentioned in local newspapers and health blogs, you will be getting valuable links to your website and improve its authority, which will facilitate your SEO ranking.
- Optimize meta titles and meta descriptions: Create a custom meta title and meta description for each of the sections of your website. It will increase the CTR in search results and will allow you to integrate relevant keywords for each section of the pharmacy or parapharmacy.
We help you with your business SEO
There are many actions that can be taken to climb positions in search engines, and these are just some of them. Every business is different, but you should pay special attention to have a fast page adapted to all devices.

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If you need help with the promotion and SEO of a pharmacy, do not hesitate to contact Linkatomic. We will be happy to give you a hand.
Author: Laura García
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