Earn money publishing articles in your blogs

Monetize your web publishing articles for enterprises. It is as simple as adding your website, writing the article and starting earning money.

How to monetize your blogs?

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Do you have any doubt?

We answer frequently asked questions in order to make it easy to you to try and start earning money.

1. How can I get money with my website?

Register your websites on our platform and the advertisers will find them to buy articles on them. We will notify you every time you receive new orders.

2. Whose writing the articles?

In most cases our writers’ team create and send the article. You only have to publish it on your website.

Although, the advertiser could request writing the article by the media or sent a text ready to publish.

3. How much can I earn per publication?

You decide the money you want to earn per published article. When you add a new site you can specify the prize per publication.

4. Must the media have any requirements to be accepted?

If you want your web to be accepted in our platform, must to accomplish our basic requirements.

  • Have its own quality content.
  • Not to be a link farm
  • Not duplicated or ilegal content.

We always want to offer the best service to our advertisers.

5. Why do I have to verify my website?

The verification mode is a security step that allows us to know if you are the owner of the website and you have permission to publish articles.

6. Can I invest my profits in articles?

Of course. You can trespass the generated profits as webmaster to your advertiser’s wallet. You can use this money to buy articles or backlinks in other websites to increase your web visibility.

7. How much is the minimum amount of money to get paid?

The requested pays will be done the vey first days of the month and the minimum amount of money to get paid is 20€.

8. How do I collect my profits as webmaster?

In your webmaster’s wallet appears the money you have been generating selling articles. This money would be paid by transfer or to your paypal account.

We can solve any question you might have, contact your account manager to solve them quickly or write to us using the contact form, and we will respond within 24 hours.

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