Link building services for CBD & Cannabis
The growing supply and demand for this type of business has made competition increasingly fierce. This has led many CBD brands to do link building to improve their positioning and get publications with authority to get results. How? With a good link building agency like Linkatomic, we are specialized in CBD cases and we know how to approach them to get the best results. Start now!
How does it work?Start now
Link building for CBD stores
Depending on the CBD products your online CBD store has, you will be bidding for more or less results in Google Adwords. This brings direct customers, but it is a punctual campaign that will only appear to your potential customers if you have “paid” more than them for that lead.
Conclusion, effectiveness is almost a matter of chance. However, when you secure the first organic position, you are not only letting the client know that you know what you are doing, but you are positioning yourself as a reference in the eyes of the consumer and Google, making your brand much more visible and improving your reputation.
On the other hand, when you do Link building for CBD you can get yourself added in recommendation lists. That is, imagine appearing in a ranking that says: “The best brands of CBD products in (your country, city, region)”. That gives you the opportunity that someone who is evaluating different brands will choose yours without hesitation just because you are being recommended against the competition.
Digital media for sensitive topics, such as CBD
Many times there are digital newspapers or thematic blogs that do not want to link CBD stores because it is considered a “taboo” subject or something like that. When actually in Spain it is a completely legal topic, as in most countries. However, we have made it super simple with a filtering where we know exactly where they would let you appear.
We have exclusive deals, so you will know exactly where, how and how much it costs to appear in those media at all times.
This means that in the end you will be saving time, money and unnecessary efforts that you can invest in more important things than negotiating publications. We do the hard work, you just have to decide where and when to appear in quality digital media that will give you the cache, visibility and prestige you need.
Outsource link building and SEO of your projects
If the above arguments have not yet convinced you to hire a Link building agency to carry your campaigns, do not worry that in Linkatomic we improve the offer. Thanks to the fact that we are specialists in off page SEO and we carry out the link building of CBD stores and e-commerce, we know where you can appear to position your brand in the best possible way. You only have to contact us so that we can recommend media publications.
In addition, we have a team of professionals who will write the texts for you completely free of charge. This means that you only have to tell us what you want the text to be about and we will make it happen.
For the texts to have the expected SEO effect we make them of 1000 words optimizing the KW you need to position. You tell us what you need and we will do our best.
If you want a winning linkbuilding strategy for CBD, join Linkatomic and start achieving results.
Link building in other countries
Get links and spread your brand globally.
Do you have any doubts?
See our FAQ section.
1. How will link building help me?
Link building helps you to rank the keywords you are most interested in, to get more visits and increase the relevance in your sector, linking you from qualified websites and blogs.
2. What kind of links am I interested in?
Do follow links are the most interesting for your website, they transmit the authority of the page that links to you. Although, it will always depend on the strategy you want to follow.
3. Do links help me to rank positions?
Of course, links boost the articles positioned and indexed in Google, always with quality links.
4. How do I know where I have to appear?
To know where to place your articles, choose media with good metrics, reputation, and visits.
5. How much does a good link cost?
The price of each link is different and varies depending on each medium and the conditions it offers. Quality is always better than quantity.
6. Do I always link to the same keyword?
No, it is better to vary your anchor text and use related keywords. Don’t abuse the same keywords, this way you will be on the safe side.
7. Is the copywriting of the article included?
Of course we do. With every order, our team will write a unique and exclusive article with your specifications.
8. How long will my links be alive?
Our links should be permanent and not be deleted. Search our catalog for media with the Permanent Links icon.